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Welcome to the Chinchilla Club Contest. This will be a bi-weekly ongoing contest where you can enter your favorite chinchilla and/or vote for your favorite.

1-7th of every month: Entries will be taken for next contest.
8-14 of every month: Votes will be taken
15th of every month: Winners will be selected
15-21st of every month: Entries will be taken for next contest.
22-29th of every month: Votes will be taken
30th of every month: Winners will be selected
*Only one chinchilla entry per person per week.
*Only two votes per person per week.
~Choose your favorite chinchillas

Graphic awards will be given to the winner and their picture will be featured on the main Chinchilla Club site. Each winner will be entered into a drawing. We will choose a winner from that group at random every 3 months to be awarded a free membership to either The Chinchilla Club or The Chinchilla Breeders Org. This can be added onto an existing membership.

Contestants below are in descending order based on their current number of votes!


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